Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Going in / Getting out / Group Thing

1. 6 May 2009 08:56


Our thread was removed. Not sure why.

Anyway, I went in and played.

Getting out now.

2. 6 May 2009 22:12


WHAT?? why? Did anyone have a copy saved of it??

3. 6 May 2009 23:24


GroupChallenge thread 285 still exists... but it was last posted to on the 4th.

I have to add -- *I* couldn'T find it the first time I looked, and I looked back to posts ending on the 1st of the month.... odd... can't absolutely swear that I wasn't half falling alseep tho.

I'm not going in just now (nor have I been in a couple days now)... too sleeeepy to be safe in there. Sorry, folks.

; >

4. 7 May 2009 06:18


Guess I said that wrong... Thread is still there... And I can open it.... Read it... But when I Post to it I am redirected to a page that says it has been removed...