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How cool is that... Nice work Dots!!!


Seems to be working fine, now. Thanks!


Wow! That is some fantastic testing you did to find the bug.

You made our job very easy and the problem should now be fixed. You may have to refresh your browser or even clear the cache to make sure you get the new background.

Sorry for the problems you have had with this background and thanks again for your help in fixing it.


This background (sloping landscape) is slightly wider than all the other backgrounds. I marked the width on a piece of paper and flipped through all the backgrouds. This is the only background that has ever shifted my right margin and left it looking unfinished. Anybody else been able to narrow this problem down to just this background?

I just did a little test.

I entered the Candy category and switched to the landscape background. It was slightly wider than the other backgrounds. I then placed a piece of candy against the right side, but not outside the canvas, and the canvas immediately changed sizes (got narrower.) After that, you cannot see the far right side of the canvas until you submit your drawing.

Can some other folks test this out?
