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Hi all. I'm hoping to a renewal of showcases of course! May be with our suggestions as once time..


I think it would be appropriate to restore showcases, now that business is picking up just enough to send new pictures off into obscurity after a couple of days. "Recent popular pictures" in the gallery extends a picture's life another couple of days, but if participants are showing up just two or three times a month, they're seeing few pictures by other people.
A showcase could stay up for a month or two—or even three, make it seasonal—so as to minimize the upkeep burden. I often find that seeing the same picture several times reveals qualities I'd overlooked at first, so that's another benefit of having a showcase where pictures can linger for a while... Any thoughts, anyone?




Dear ThinkDraw,
May we have the Halloween showcase again?


How's about we launch a showcase called "Valedictory" or some other such title if that one is too obscure or off-target... maybe "Happy Trails"... and just leave it up until the internet demons devour the site or whatever it is that's supposed to happen next month...