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Imagine how lucky are you that it did not happen after you rode 71 mile? Enjoy your vacation!


As a youth, I attended summer camps at Lake Tahoe. You couldn't have had a more beautiful place to hang around and wait for everyone else to finish their rides, disappointing as your own turned out to be. I am so glad you were not hurt. God is good!


So glad you didn't get hurt. I can look back over the years and know how lucky I've been at almost every turn.


A blessing to be there! Another blessing your bike broke down where it did!! Glad you enjoyed it too!


This weekend,my husband and I went to Lake Tahoe for the annual "America'smost beautiful bike ride. My husband rode 100 miles, I was going to ride 72 miles. About 0.1 mile form the first rest stop and after a grueling hill,6-15% grade, my bike had a major malfunction ending my ride. I'm not sure which emotion I felt more, relief at not having to endure more hills, or great disappointment over not being able to complete the ride. The good part of it all was the that breakdown occurred at the bottom of a very steep hill where I was able to stop easily, and not during the descent, where I could have been injured. God does answer prayer.