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Qsilv, I sometimes take photos of oil paintings in progress and try changes in Photoshop before I make them on canvas. Great time saver!


oooohyeahhh.... isn't it tempting to add a single pixel edge bit for every undo just to show time elapsed....?!

More seriously, pre-playback ability, I was keeping screenshots as I went along. That was/is useful for comparisons... but mostly, it's somehow comforting when I debate with myself about taking away a huge chunk and I'm just NOT sure it'll be an improvement... (wry smile)


yeah, i reckon it should show every step, including the undo undo undo undo undo undo undo undo to get off 10 minutes work, when u realise it just doesnt look right! if u look at my 'can i have a little privacy' pic, u can see some change of mind there, where i went over the top of what i had planned, but there was also much undoing and change of minding that isn't reflected in the pic.


I've noticed when playing things back the hesitation and scratching head and nearly just clearing a picture altogether don't show. It just looks so deliberate!