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Ronnie gone ?

Yes, Ronnie gone

..and Cyril ..?

Yes, Cyril gone too. Ages ago.

.. and Bertie ?

Uncle Bertie went right after your wedding [you old fool]. Lordy, lordy, why do you keep harping on these old relics of your past, dad ? Here we are in the park and I thought it would cheer you up to get away from the home for a day, and enjoy a bit of sunshine ? Look at the ducks on the water and the dogs chasing the ducks and barking and the little kids playing with their stones and, er, bows and arrows – doesn’t that bring a smile to your face ?

..what about Ernie ?

Dad, Ernie’s been in his grave the last 15 years. You remember, after Glynnis died his practice went to pieces and they brought that new Tibetan doctor in ?

.. but Freddy’s still here ?

Dadddd ! Uncle Freddy had that paroxysm/fit/attack/whatever after those picnickers took a movie of him dancing around Birstley Wood in the nude that night. I have no idea whether he ever got out of the hospital, but I’d say the chances are pretty faint.

Gone, all gone..

Oh, dad.. yes, some people have gone but there’s lots of nice new people around ! Of course, most of them don’t remember ThinkWrite, but maybe we can start a session after bingo on Tuesdays ?


Anotherronism? You there?


(One more: substitute "some great stuff" for "some good stuff".)


(And insert "and to" before "anyone else who did the same".) (That should do it.)


(And substitute whatever other diagnosis you prefer for "the current Mars transit" if you feel so moved.)