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Jspi0025, don't know if you know this topic:

Go to the last page: may be you could find Maltese flag here; or could add it now. It's a beautiful way to display all the World Wide TD Community!


I wonder whether there are any Maltese participants on think draw?


I'd forgotten that sandm has already been doing a mostly-german forum for quite a while when I suggested this. So it's already happening, whenever anyone wants it to, and the question is whether people could use help finding forums that are at least partially in their own (non-English) language.


There seem to be quite a lot of folks around these days who post their comments in their own languages, and often these attract responses in the same language. As long as these other languages use the standard alphabet, it shouldn't present any technical problem to encourage non-English speakers to do their own thing here in the forums. Perhaps a fourth main category could be "Other Languages" or "Non-English" so that these would be easy to find if someone is looking for chat in Danish or Portuguese or Ukranian... weeks or months might pass before there's a response if the language is really obscure, and by then the original poster might be long gone - but still, it could help create a sense of belonging and full participation for people who want to draw and get involved, but aren't going to learn English any sooner than I'm going to learn Ukranian.