Title: Animal Brewster
created on 16 Jun 12

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Comments on this picture (45):
1. chelydra wrote:
 For anyone who missed discussions on three previous portraits (by hanging, five and me), Mr Brewster invented the kaleidoscope in 1817.
2. marky wrote:
3. Lolla wrote:
4. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Superlative art
5. marg wrote:
 I'm with steve.. indeed superlative and thank you Mr. Brewster :)
6. golehto wrote:
 Lolla said it :)
7. Normal wrote:
 He seems to live again on TD! Thanks.
8. five wrote:
 one of your best portraits
9. AFSOUTH wrote:
 I always look forward to your exemplary art work and commentary chelydra! This presentation of Brewster is indeed deserving of all above proclamations and more! Respectfully Submitted AFSOUTH
10. chelydra wrote:
 gee whiz... thanx all...
11. DilCoura wrote:
12. indigo wrote:
 DITTO AF!! Love the eyes, window to the soul. Looks like an oil painting. Thank-you chelydra.
13. Hobbes wrote:
 Vibrant and alive..masterpiece!
14. polenta wrote:
 a real delight to the eye.
15. bluemoon wrote:
 amazing art
16. hanging wrote:
 Oh yes! You captured everything I couldn't. Thank you again chelydra for your 'priceless' lessons!
17. clorophilla wrote:
 Oh my!! This month my Favs will become more and more the same of you gallery!
18. ceniracoura wrote:
19. Kara10 wrote:
 good job
20. Hazer wrote:
21. kata wrote:
 This looks like a masterpiece!
22. kata wrote:
 Sir David Brewster named his invention from the greek words kalos (beautiful), eidos (form or shape) and scopeo (to look to, to observe). So, kaleidoscope means "to view beautiful forms".
23. danila wrote:
 woooooooooooaaaaaaaaaw, superb,superb,superb..
24. chelydra wrote:
 gosh... Do pictures that premiere on Saturday mornings get ten times the attention of those that come out on Tuesday nights or something? I know this one's pretty good but I really don't think it's THIS good! Glad you do tho!
25. priya41 wrote:
 this is a MASTERPIECE! i've no words to express! love all your pics with the interesting commentaties! and i was delighted to read your comments on my pics of trees and other pics!
26. Login wrote:
 Aw c'mon! You knew this would leap out of the gallery ... not only is it wonderful to gaze upon, the PB is an art lesson.
27. chelydra wrote:
 Well, okay, at the tiniest (updates) size, I'm as impressed as anyone... Full-size, though, the dead colors and mishandled shirt & tie are pretty annoying.
28. chelydra wrote:
 And speaking of the playback, about 1/4 pf the way in you can catch a glimpse of how good it might have been
29. chelydra wrote:
 So (still replying to Login) I think the lesson is that we you find yourself with a bold, powerful beginning, don't chicken out and start fussing, but try to keep going at the same level of fearless intensity.
30. chelydra wrote:
 how did "if" turn into "we"? My typos are getting more and more mind-boggling as I descend into my dotage...
31. golehto wrote:
 Aazing work :)
32. golehto wrote:
 Amazing ,,
33. lesley_gene wrote:
 Ah chelydra, we are our own best critics! This is a masterpiece. Your talent is an inspirational treat!
34. puffmias73 wrote:
 You did awesome!
35. KJLavigne wrote:
 Wonderful work!
36. debray wrote:
37. hxxhxx wrote:
 omg, omg, omg, OMG, OMG, OMG, amaaaaaaaaaazing!!!!
38. sheftali52 wrote:
 I have enjoyed all of your Brewster pics, but I keep coming back to this one--it is stunningly good.
39. Shanley wrote:
 Mr. Brewster has eyes of different colors in this portrait, yet I bet most of us did not notice! That's the 'great portrait effect'! :)
40. hjjr wrote:
 astonishing series, your Brewters
41. mum23 wrote:
 Wonderful series... just love this one.
42. clorophilla wrote:
 Congrats Chelydra, you have brewsterized all the Top5s ;-)
43. mum23 wrote:
 Exactly a year later... this one still astounds me.
44. ritachake wrote:
 I wish I had your talent, I hope you are using it in your life and not only on your computer,
45. mum23 wrote:
 I've been looking at and loving so many of your pics again. Even if we get to keep any part of TD, not being able to see how you build your masterpieces will be a huge loss.

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