Title: 4'33"
created on 12 Jan 19

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Comments on this picture (51):
1. chelydra wrote:
 A contest to see who's most tuned in to silence trivia.
2. evefoster wrote:
3. evefoster wrote:
 It is John Cage? am i right?
4. evefoster wrote:
 William Hawks?
5. evefoster wrote:
 I mean Marx not Hawks
6. KliaMia wrote:
 John Cage??
7. chelydra wrote:
 TWO WINNERS—Congrats!!! Now we have to give out prizes... any suggestions? I could give you each 2 minutes and 16.5 seconds of silence?
8. Vals wrote:
 Ditto evefoster(3) and KilaMia!
9. Vals wrote:
 Chelydra - you need to recalculate!
10. chelydra wrote:
 Vals - are you sure? Or do you mean that silence is a zero and you're reminding me that any divisions or multiplications or additions or subtractions involving zero (or fractions or multiples of zero) are always zero?
11. chelydra wrote:
 In which case the prizes should be nothing whatsoever? O zero moments of silence? Or silent moments of zero?
12. chelydra wrote:
 Or we could just have a big round of applause (sounds of one hand clapping of course) and call that the prize?
13. chelydra wrote:
 WAIT? Did you mean EF won twice? Was this also a likeness of Mr Hawks, and is Mr Hawks also noted for silence(s)?
14. Vals wrote:
 Go with the applause and call that George!
15. evefoster wrote:
 So... I won?
16. evefoster wrote:
17. chelydra wrote:
 OMIGOSH .... I FINALLY figured out why Vals suggested I recalculate!!!! so sorry! and also just now noticed the Hawks to Marx switcheroo from EF.
18. chelydra wrote:
 So... I suppose, prejudiced as I might be, that EF, despite arriving firstest with the mostest (first of three to answer right and the only one to offer two additional (wrong I think) answers...
19. chelydra wrote:
 ) (end parentheses)
20. chelydra wrote:
 I mean prejudiced in EF's favor, btw, on account of her sharing my habit of writing endless convoluted commentaries...
21. chelydra wrote:
 with many profound and fascinating (to some of us) digressions, but no particular conclusion in most cases....
22. chelydra wrote:
 But anyway, I fear that Vals' reasoning is unassailable (if you disagree, assail away!)... and that EF must be content with a mere 1'26" of silence from me as her prize (which I think is 1/3 or 4'33") (1'15" being a third of 4' and 11" being a third of 33
23. chelydra wrote:
 " ... because two other correct answers arrived and in the absence of any posted rules to the contrary, those other later answers must be given equal credit,,,
24. chelydra wrote:
 AND besides that, EF diluted her correctness when she added Hawks and then Marx...
25. chelydra wrote:
 and if there's any further argument, I might have to resort to the unwritten rule that Marxists are automatically disqualified from winning contests (non-violent ones anyway)...
26. chelydra wrote:
 which I learned in 1959 when my 6th grade classroom elected me president (despite knowing I was running as a communist, or perhaps because of it)
27. chelydra wrote:
 and our teacher, when he found out, called off the election results and declared we were obviously not mature enough to hold a classroom election.
28. chelydra wrote:
 So, shall we assume all agree with this decision, of 1'26" silence for each of the three winners? But to make the experience worthwhile, we could compare time zone and synchronize...
29. chelydra wrote:
 So far as I know the only actual Marx who declared "I am not a Marxist!" was Karl... as for William Marx, I don't know who or what he is yet,
30. chelydra wrote:
 and since I wasted hours learning about William Hawks (before noticing his nomination had been withdrawn), I have no time left to spend on another William...
31. chelydra wrote:
 But anyway, can we agree that at the stroke of midnight (ThinkDraw time) when the silence showcase ends on January 24th-25th, the four of us will agree to share 4'33" of silence - each of you getting 1/3 as your prize, and me giving it out as silently as
32. chelydra wrote:
 ...possible? (This will avoid time zone problems, which might be fatal considering how long it took me to figure out Vals' recalculation proposal!)
33. chelydra wrote:
 (and it was only NOW that I'm noticing Vals' prize is being awarded AFTER the two first winners were declared! But we'll let that slide... at least she's not a Marxist so far as i know..
34. chelydra wrote:
 ) . . (end parentheses again)
35. chelydra wrote:
 And of course, it's only NOW I figure out which Marx EF was probably referring to, whose first name I forgot.
36. Vals wrote:
 On my god,chelydra, you have me in tears of laughter! I look forward to my award of silence and no I'm not a Marxist!
37. KliaMia wrote:
 Ha! I am laughing in "silence" too! Chelydra, you'd be a great filibuster!!
38. evefoster wrote:
 OKay!!!!!! I wish you guys , especially CH could see the huge smile that grew bigger and bigger on my face as i read everything that Chelydra said
39. evefoster wrote:
 then to hear he found out i was talking about a different Marx! old sir williams.. i thoroughly enjoyed this contest
40. evefoster wrote:
 really ...Big C ..we need to do this again..all of us I mean..the, who i this is fun..
41. evefoster wrote:
 but the winner should get a more tangible prize.. Lets say ... a special painting?
42. chelydra wrote:
 We're sort of like the last little band of Neanderthals wandering around the remote valleys of the Alps... the last remnants of ThinkDraw... struggling on..
43. chelydra wrote:
 We gotta keep ourselves entertained to keep from dwelling on our inevitable doom...
44. chelydra wrote:
 With occasional prayers of supplication to our Goddess and Creator and Protector (Hi Rachel) hoping she'll be merciful and let us wander on peacefully a while longer
45. chelydra wrote:
 So, yes, we should have prizes, but right now I have to go draw a "real" picture or I'll starve to death and then someone else (Rachel?) will have provide prizes
46. chelydra wrote:
 have to
47. chelydra wrote:
 We could try to revive ThinkWrite... That might be nice... We could write about prizes... (Newcomers refer to Community Forums from days gone by)
48. evefoster wrote:
49. Qsilv wrote:
 (((hugs))) Chel...!
50. katidid wrote:
 Ditto KliaMia (37) and Qsilv! LOL I have 7+ pages of pics to go through x25 per page, and I run into this. I am not ever gonna get caught up. :-) But this was worth it! Pic and verse.
51. AFSOUTH wrote:

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