Title: fleur du mal
created on 06 Jun 12

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Comments on this picture (23):
1. chelydra wrote:
 title is from a book of poems by Baudelaire, Flowers of Evil. This certainly deserves a long screed, but I'm not really qualified to write it. Anyone else is welcome to!
2. chelydra wrote:
 http://fleursdumal.org/ To be honest they don't seem as great as I remembered them, but maybe I'm just not in the mood.
3. chelydra wrote:
  Obsession Great forests you frighten me, like vast cathedrals: You roar like an organ, and in our condemned souls, aisles of eternal mourning, where past death-rattles
4. chelydra wrote:
 ...sound, the echo of your De Profundis rolls. I hate you, Ocean! My mind, in your tumultuous main, sees itself: I hear the vast laughter of your seas, the bitter laughter of defeated men,
5. chelydra wrote:
 ...filled with the sound of sobs and blasphemies. How you would please me without your stars, O Night! I know the language that their light employs! Since I search for darkness, nakedness,
6. chelydra wrote:
 ...the Void! But the shadows themselves seem, to my sight canvases, where thousands of lost beings, alive, and with a familiar gaze, leap from my eyes.
7. chelydra wrote:
 in the original--Obsession-- Grands bois, vous m'effrayez comme des cathédrales; / Vous hurlez comme l'orgue; et dans nos coeurs maudits, / Chambres d'éternel deuil où vibrent de vieux râles, / Répondent les échos de vos De profundis
8. chelydra wrote:
  Je te hais, Océan! tes bonds et tes tumultes, / Mon esprit les retrouve en lui; ce rire amer / De l'homme vaincu, plein de sanglots et d'insultes, / Je l'entends dans le rire énorme de la mer / Comme tu me plairais, ô nuit! sans ces étoi
9. chelydra wrote:
  Dont la lumière parle un langage connu! / Car je cherche le vide, et le noir, et le nu! / Mais les ténèbres sont elles-mêmes des toiles / Où vivent, jaillissant de mon oeil par milliers, / Des êtres disparus aux regards familiers.
10. chelydra wrote:
 That was the one I recall being impressed by... I love poetry in languages I barely understand... or don't understand at all...
11. chelydra wrote:
 In case anyone got mixed up, the poem above is by Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867 or thereabouts) from Fluers du Mal.
12. lastcrazyhorn wrote:
 I like this so much!
13. indigo wrote:
 I speak French and read it only for myself, never really got into poetry but this poem is so interesting! Merci! ~J^
14. lesley_gene wrote:
 Very moving poem. Your flower is quite beautiful actually.
15. Normal wrote:
 Fix your spelling, please! Your fleur is not so mal...
16. chelydra wrote:
 eyesight is not what it used to be... i had this as fleur du MAIL...
17. Normal wrote:
 Nor is mine - nor typing either. Thanks.
18. five wrote:
 excellent color
19. nancylee wrote:
 I agree - this fleur is not mal, but I get the point!
20. hanging wrote:
 ...took me a while to read and digest the poem (no way in French though...!) like both poem and pic as your expression
21. golehto wrote:
22. arty wrote:
 A truly lovley piece of work.
23. hjjr wrote:
 wow on the colors

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